Ophelia and Beast from the East for Leaving Cert French

Le Mauvais Temps en Irlande

These will be handy for a discussion on the environment, global warming, homelessness and older people. See full LC French predictions here. Here are some general tips on opinion pieces. Lastly, we have the full French notes for Leaving Cert (€).

● De ces derniers mois, l’Irlande a connu plusieurs périodes de mauvais temps → In these past few months, Ireland has experienced several periods of bad weather

● En octobre, l’ouragan Ophelia est arrivé avec des vents à forte vitesse, des grosses pluies et des températures inhabituellement hautes​ → In October, Hurricane Ophelia arrived with high-speed winds, lots of rain and unusually high temperatures

● Cette tempête post-tropicale a forcé la fermeture des écoles, des universités et des entreprises, il y avait des inondations, et beaucoup d’arbres sont tombés à cause des vents violents​ → This post-tropical storm forced the closure of schools, universities and businesses, there were floods and a lot of trees fell because of the high winds

● Puis en mars, on était frappé de plein fouet par une vague de froid sibérien, dite “la bête de l’est” et la tempête Emma → ​Then in March, we were hit full force by a Siberian cold snap, named the “beast from the east”, and Storm Emma

● L’Irlande était traversée par des vents violents, du verglas et des abondantes chutes de neige​ → Ireland was put through high winds, black ice and heavy snowfall

● Le service météorologique nous a mis en garde contre le danger de ces conditions et nous a placé en alerte rouge​ → The meteorological service warned us against the danger of these conditions and placed us on red alert

● Les écoles, les universités et les entreprises ont dû encore fermer et la police nous a appelé à ne pas faire des trajets inutiles​→ Schools, universities and businesses had to close again and the police called on us to avoid unnecessary journeys

● L’aéroport de Dublin a annoncé la suspension du trafic aérien pendant la tempête donc beaucoup d’irlandais étaient coincés à l’étranger​ → Dublin airport announced the suspension of air traffic during the storm so a lot of Irish people got trapped abroad

● Quand on a annoncé l’alerte rouge, la population a commencé à paniquer parce qu’on ne voit pas souvent les conditions climatiques extrêmes​ → When the red alert was announced, the population began to panic because we don’t often experience extreme weather conditions

● Beaucoup de gens ont acheté assez de nourriture pour plusieurs jours et la plupart de supermarchés se sont écoulés du pain et du lait ​→ A lot of people bought enough food for several days and the majority of supermarkets ran out of bread and milk

● Certains quartiers ont souffert aussi d’une pénurie d’eau, à cause du gel et de la rupture des conduites d’eau ​→ Certain areas also suffered from a water shortage because of the freezing and bursting of water pipes

● Les sans-abris ont été durement frappés, et il était nécessaire de travailler ensemble pour les trouver de l’abri parce qu’en Europe, la vague de froid avait tué des dizaines de personnes​→ The homeless were hit hard and it was necessary that we worked together to find them shelter because in Europe, the cold snap had already killed tens of people

● Les personnes âgées étaient vulnérables aussi donc le gouvernement nous a encouragé de vérifier que nos proches et nos voisins allaient bien ​→ The elderly were also vulnerable so the government encouraged us to make sure that our relatives and neighbours were doing OK

● Heureusement, il n’y avait pas de décès en Irlande, mais en Europe, plus de cinquante personnes sont mortes​ → luckily, in Ireland there were no fatalities but in Europe, more than 50 people died

Beast from the East for Leaving Cert French


You can get the full version of the French in 90 words here.

It is a 12,700 word pdf download covering over 30 important topics in a 90 words with vocab just like the above, making it super useful for both the written and the oral!


a. What has changed in Ireland in recent years?

b. Recession

c. Sexism

d. Women’s role in society

e. School subjects

1. English

2. Irish

3. Maths

4. French

f. Smoking

g. Addiction. Alcoholism.

h. Addiction. Drugs.

i. Health. Obesity.

j. Violence, crime and delinquency

k. Nuclear energy

l. Environment

m. Pollution

n. Terrorism

o. Politics

p. Are we dependent on the media?

q. What are the advantages of advertising?

r. What are the disadvantages of advertising?

s. What are the issues that concern you the most?

t. What do you think of the Irish Leaving Cert?

u. Is verbal or physical harassment or cyberbullying present in your school/in Ireland?

v. Are you dependent on new technologies, such as the internet, iPad, mobile phone, etc?

w. Can you live without your mobile phone?

x. Culture and art

y. Do you do any sports? Do you think everyone should do sports?

z. How destructive is doping to the spirit of sports?

a1. Fashion

b1. Social problems in France

c1. Inequality in Ireland

d1. Racism in Ireland

e1. Immigration in Ireland

f1. The European Union

g1. Globalisation

h1. The Eighth Amendement

i1. Third World

j1. Sport and money

As always, we offer 100% refunds within 2 weeks if you aren’t happy.


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  • Post author:
  • Post published:June 9, 2018
  • Post category:French